Saturday, September 16, 2006

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Isn't this a chutzpadik thing to do?

A: Damn straight it is!

Q: Why Vilnius?

A: Vilnius was considered "the Jerusalem of Lita" at the height of Yiddish culture. It's a natural choice. Plus, I've never been there.

Q: But aren't there scholarships to this program?

A: Yes, there are. They are for European students, not Israeli students.

Q: Why should I donate to you, davka?

A: Because I asked.

Q: What will you do if you don't raise the full amount?

A: Why the stinkin' thinkin'? Every little bit helps. I'll still find a way to go, and I'll honor my committments to my donors.

Q: What will you do if you raise more than the full amount?

A: I will donate donations in excess of the $3600 target to the school in Vilnius.

Q: I have a question not answered here. Can I post it for you to answer?

A: Please. Click the comments link below to add your comment.

Q: I have a question not answered here, but I'm shy. Can I send it to you to answer privately?

A: Sure. Email me at sendme3vilnius (at symbol) yahoo (dot) com.

Q: Why'd you write your email funny like that?

A: It was an attempt to fool spammers.

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